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Clinformatics for Managed Markets

Optum® Clinformatics® for Managed Markets provides a longitudinal database of eligibility, medical claims and prescription claims data.

Features and benefits

Get better product performance data

Clinformatics for Managed Markets provides an in-depth, more refined understanding of what’s happening in the market for your product so you can:

  • Segment and target more precisely.
  • Measure more appropriately.
  • Grow faster with less effort.

Understand a new dimension in health care

Now you can see not just the “what,” but the “why” and “who” behind product use with data and metrics that offer a comprehensive, anonymous view of a patient’s experience. This nimble interface provides deeper insight into the relationships between various metrics.

Focus on what works for your bottom line

Our web-based solution can identify the most influential physicians in terms of usage and sales. As a result, you can capitalize on opportunities and integrate data analyses with constructive, proactive dialogue regarding market performance relative to your goals.