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Shelly Roy

Social Worker, Optum Women’s Health Solutions

"Infertility is so stressful, and I try to give them as much information as I can that might help make their infertility treatment process more bearable from an emotional standpoint."
— Shelly Roy

9 years in social work; at Optum since 2018

Location: Chicago

Passions: Family, cooking, travel, fertility advocacy

Favorite Optum value: Compassion. “It’s the reason I do what I do. It’s an essential part of getting people to trust me enough so that I can be helpful for them."

How she shows compassion: Shelly puts herself in the member’s shoes as well as the shoes of the member’s existing support system. She then helps the member validate their feelings and normalize their experience.

How social workers like Shelly set Fertility Solutions apart: "Having someone to talk to and having a connection with someone who really truly understands what you’re going through is such an essential part of coping through this process.”

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