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Employee Wellness Coaches

Professional coaches build trusted relationships and support employees in taking ownership of their health and reaching their goals.

Deep knowledge and expert behavior change support

We meet employees where they are — at the workplace or remotely — to deliver individual and group coaching. With our extensive well-being experience and evidence-based content, we transform coaching into a relevant, flexible resource for everyone.

Support for every employee

Your entire population may engage in coaching, regardless of health status, risk factors or medical carrier. Keeping the healthy population healthy can be equally important as supporting individuals who are high risk or have a chronic illness.

Empower employees at workplace health events

At a biometric screening or other health event, a workplace coach can review results with employees and discuss their goals. Employees are empowered to get started right away with coaching support.

Help employees reach their goals

Optum® Workplace Coaching is a proactive approach to lifestyle changes to improve overall well-being.

Thumbnail of Workplace Wellness Coaching fact sheet

Discover how to partner with Optum today