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Returning to care amidst COVID-19

Key findings from our consumer readiness survey.

Gauge consumer readiness to return to care

After the initial COVID-19 surge, many health care leaders are wondering how consumers will now engage with health care providers. What services will likely be used first and what services will patients delay?

To better understand patient sentiment, we launched a six-part research series surveying 700 consumers nationwide on a bi-weekly basis.

Wave One Results 5.14.20

Initial consumer readiness survey results, including which services are most likely to be utilized first and which services consumers are likely to delay.

Download Wave One Results

Wave Two Results 5.28.20

Updated results from the second wave of our consumer readiness survey.

Download Wave Two Results

Wave Three Results 6.18.20

Updated results from the third wave of our consumer readiness survey.

Download Wave Three Results

Wave Four Results 6.30.20

Updated results from the fourth wave of our consumer readiness survey.

Download Wave Four Results

Wave Five Results 7.16.20

Updated results from the fifth wave of our consumer readiness survey.

Download Wave Five Results

Wave Six Results 7.31.20

Updated results from the sixth wave of our consumer readiness survey.

Download Wave Six Results

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