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Advancing three critical dimensions of health equity

Get guidance for CEOs to make practical, sustainable change.


Success requires strong leadership

Leaders can cultivate a culture that questions bias, embraces diversity and actively improves healthy equity. An integrated approach coupled with strategic quick wins will build momentum and provide the foundation for sustained growth.

Success requires strong leadership, a sound business case and adequate resources. This resource offers guidance on actions that can make a broad impact right away, including:

  • Defining your workforce equity goals and making them public
  • Building equity into your leadership plan
  • Making equity a part of your purpose and mission
  • Building the business case to support resource allocations
  • Helping your leaders apply an equity lens to all decisions
  • Activating your community relationships

CEOs can bring all voices forward to cultivate a diverse and inclusive workforce, ensure equitable care and begin to address the root causes of inequity. Building a broad and financially grounded foundation will expand and sustain the impact of future health equity initiatives. Explore ways to engage your leaders, staff, consumers and partners.

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