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How CAPs directly impact your Stars performance

Stars performance is in your control. Learn how you can take action now.

Star ratings and CAP requests: The impact on health plans

Optum experts Lauren Sansbury, VP, Payer Solutions, and Tejaswita Karve, senior director, Stars Practice, explore the influence of Star Ratings on corrective action plan (CAP) requests for health plans. They discuss the drop in ratings for many plans and CMS’ ad hoc CAPs for underperformance. Topics include:

  • Prioritizing due diligence
  • Validating performance
  • Implementing corrective action plans

2024 Stars preview webinar

Hear from Optum Advisory experts as they discuss the new Stars Final Rule and the importance of taking a member-centric approach to improve health equity.

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The impact of corrective actions on Stars ratings

Learn more about the impact and implications of a Corrective Action Plan and how Stars and these corrective actions are interconnected.

Staying current on core claims releases

Watch Optum Advisory's Loren Koerber and Alicia Thompson discuss staying current on core claims processing platform releases.

Optum Advisory - Enterprise Transformation Services

Health systems continue to face many challenges today. Do you have the flexibility and focus to deliver on strategic goals?