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White paper

Creating a sustainable future for cancer care

More and more people are surviving cancer, yet cancer is poised to become the No. 1 killer in the United States. More cancer patients needing complex care brings with it a hefty price tag. The rising cost of cancer care is likely unsurprising to the payers, providers and care teams that work with cancer patients every day. To maintain a sustainable future for cancer care, providers and payers must work together to apply cost-effective, proven therapies and treatments and support programs for patients.

In this white paper, you’ll learn:

  • How to manage a rapidly evolving treatment landscape. With constant new treatments and innovative therapies, payers are left to identify which cancer treatment would be most effective for an individual patient.
  • How caring for the whole patient leads to a value-based approach. Offering programs and resources that address a patient’s complete cancer journey — from diagnosis through symptom management during and after treatments — leads to better outcomes and reduced costs.

Download the white paper to see the full insights and learn actionable ways to improve patient care and lower costs

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