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White paper

Top wellbeing challenges for today’s employers 

The Optum 2023 Wellbeing in the Workplace benchmark study reveals current health and wellbeing trends across 405 global companies.

Two health care workers looking at a laptop

What’s derailing the success of global wellbeing strategies?

We asked employers about the greatest challenge to the success of their health and wellbeing strategies, and they didn’t hold back. They also shared what they’re doing to navigate difficulties and where they need help.  

5 issues surfaced again and again:

  • Financial pressures and uncertainty 
  • Meeting the wellbeing needs of a diverse workforce 
  • Inadequate support for mental health 
  • Employee motivation and programme engagement 
  • Technological innovation and going digital 

Download the white paper to see how global employers are navigating wellbeing challenges. 

Complete the form to download the white paper

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