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NEJM Catalyst Q&A

Value-based care

Dr. Wyatt Decker discusses the path forward for value-based care, including implementation challenges, benefits and keys to success.


Prepare for a transformative journey

Value-based care has been discussed for decades, but implementation has been slow and challenging. This transformative journey calls for cultural and clinical changes for all health care stakeholders.

Dr. Wyatt Decker is executive vice president and chief physician for Value-Based Care and Innovation at UnitedHealth Group. In this Q&A with NEJM Catalyst, he explores value-based care as a critical path forward for patients, providers and payers. Topics include:

  • Implementation challenges
  • Impacts across stakeholders
  • Effects on clinician burnout  
  • Effects on social determinants of health
  • Key factors in doing value-based care well

Learn how to evolve more rapidly toward a nuanced system that rewards providers for keeping people healthy and gives individuals the health care experience they expect.

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