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Case study

Self-scheduling boosts access and reduces staff burden

Learn how ProHealth Physicians used self-guided online scheduling to ease administrative burden and rebound patient volume after COVID-19.

How ProHealth Physicians drove high patient volume

ProHealth Physicians, part of Optum, is Connecticut’s leading community-based medical provider. Facing low patient volumes and staff shortages after COVID-19, it partnered with Optum to improve patient engagement.

Optum® Patient Access and Engagement provided online self-scheduling for new and existing ProHealth patients. By transforming the digital experience, ProHealth drove more than 5 new patients per provider per month while improving administrative efficiency for staff. 

Read this case study to:

  • Learn how Patient Access and Engagement improves access to ProHealth providers online, driving more bookings from new patients 
  • Understand how care delivery organizations can use patient engagement strategies to attract new business and rebound revenue 
  • See how online scheduling helps patients set their preferences and uses artificial intelligence (AI) to match them with the right provider

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