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Health equity

Watch this 15-minute Q&A on building a health equity strategy. Explore the role of partnerships and how to make a sustainable impact.

Mom holding healthy happy toddler

Create an organizational commitment to health equity

What is the role of health care organizations in improving the health of their neighborhoods and workforce? Many are committing to addressing social and structural drivers of health in their communities. That means considering equity and health-related social needs.

This Q&A with NEJM Catalyst and SVP of Health Equity Strategy at UnitedHealth Group, Catherine Anderson, explores how to: 

  • Identify essential building blocks for a health equity strategy
  • Form partnerships with community-based organizations
  • Leverage social and economic capital for greatest impact

Hear about the key pillars of the UnitedHealth Group health equity strategy. Explore initiatives that are improving health and social outcomes in sustainable ways and advancing health equity at a systemic level.

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