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Help improve your health by decluttering

Tidying up can be good for both mind and body.

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Keeping a house in order can be a struggle. Sorting through piles of belongings may bring up strong emotions. It can also be stressful. Is this jewelry valuable? What should I do with tools I don’t use anymore? It can be tiring.

The good news is that tidying up is good for both mind and body. Read on to learn why.

How tidying up is good for your health

Tidying up can help you:

    • Clear your mind. Getting rid of things you no longer need frees you up to focus on what's important.
    • Stay safe. You'll keep paths clear to stop falls from happening.
    • Get active. Common chores, like vacuuming, can be great exercise.
    • Be social. A tidy home can also mean we’re more likely to invite people over.

Tips for getting started

Here are some things to keep in mind:

    • Go easy on yourself. Decluttering is a big job.
    • Take it one room at a time. The kitchen can be a good place to start. It may be easier to part with dishes than important paperwork.
    • Get ahead of the clutter. Don't let it build up, like junk mail.
    • Go through clothing and shoes often. Keep only what you use the most.

Once the kitchen's in good shape, move on to other places where clutter piles up. Closets are another good space to tackle.

It’s okay to hang on to belongings that are near and dear to you. But try kick-starting a decluttering mission today. You’ll enjoy a tidier and safer home tomorrow.

Feeling down or stressed? Get help.

Talk to a mental health specialist.

The information provided is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be medical advice or a substitute for professional health care. You should consult an appropriate health care professional for your specific needs.