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For information on the Change Healthcare cyber response:


Musculoskeletal (MSK) Solutions for Employers

We offer a proven, integrated MSK management solution.

MSK conditions are common and costly

  • 50% of adult Americans live with a musculoskeletal condition.1
  • 75% of MSK surgeries are avoidable with non-operative care.1
  • Direct medical expenditures per year are over $213 billion in treatment, care and lost wages annually.2

Our integrated approach supports members across the care continuum, ensuring care is provided at the right place and the right time. 

  • Care advocates and specialized nurses provide supportive care management services to members. 
  • Digital tools enable members to stay on track with self-directed care.
  • High-quality care providers and surgical center access may help improve outcomes and savings.
  • Payment integrity capabilities can help to reduce overutilization of services and inappropriate billing practices.
  • Provider collaboration capabilities foster alignment on medically appropriate care.

Proven results

Over 30 years of proven clinical and financial results drive an overall 3:1 ROI.1


savings with Utilization Management and national Outpatient Rehab network3


savings per procedure at surgical COE3



Delivering a modern, 360-degree MSK management solution

MSK solutions for members and providers MSK solutions for members and providers

Integrated capabilities

Care management

Education on high-quality ASC and COE networks along with access to nurse care managers for guidance.

Utilization management

Supporting delivery of high-quality, evidence-based care through strong relationship with treating providers.

Network access

Top facilities and physical health providers help ensure quality care and convenient access at negotiated rates.

Digital tools

A multi-modal solution consisting of physical exercises, education and access to Physical Therapists.


1. Hinge Health State of MSK 2022.
2. Accessed March 2023.
3. Optum proposed and book of business, 2022. Stats determined from aggregated data over several years, single year results may vary, and results may not be typical.