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Optum Specialty Medication Management

We take an integrated approach to controlling specialty costs by managing across both benefits and creating a seamless patient experience.

Integrated solutions for better outcomes

We take a proactive approach to managing your specialty spend. Our goal is to help you achieve better outcomes. It starts with:

Foundation of excellence

We improve performance with advanced analytics, clinical expertise and technology.

Pharmacy benefit

We apply pharmacy levers to address specialty utilization and cost.

Medical benefit

We lower medical spend by applying a pharmacy management approach.

Connected providers

We link pharmacists and care teams to enhance patient and provider value.

Redirecting costs through site of care

Where a member gets therapy is critical for both cost and care. See how the Specialty Redirection Program can help.

Latest thinking

Featured insights

Gene therapies: Can we afford the future of medicine?

Learn how to manage financial risk as gene therapies become more commonplace.

How to manage blockbuster anti-obesity drugs

The pricey weight management drugs work well, but users need coaching and support to maintain the benefits.

The next biosimilar wave has arrived. Now what?

In this conversation, learn about a new class of biosimilars and what this means for competition, cost and volume in the PBM market.


Unlocking the future of specialty innovation


Optum Specialty Compass™

See how our personalized specialty expertise and custom analytics platform helps clients find the right solutions to reduce specialty trend.

White paper

Carving out specialty pharmacy

By integrating specialty management, clients can lower their spend by up to $16 PMPM.


Specialty medication optimization

Three programs are working together to stabilize price variations and to reduce costs of infused medications.